pp108 : Loading an Application With System Environment Variables Content

Loading an Application With System Environment Variables Content

This topic describes the procedure to load an application with system environment variables, DLL registration, or virtual folder creation content.

On a windows based machine, to load an application with system environment variables, DLL registration, or virtual folder creation content, the User 'Cordys <Instance Name>' must have windows administrator rights on that machine. The User 'Cordys <Instance Name>' has a minimal set of privileges. Hence, you need to elevate the access rights of the user to windows administrator rights. Windows administrator rights are needed to the user under whom the OpenText Process Suite Platform (<Instance Name>) service is running at that point. Do the following to set the administrative privileges and load the application.

  1. Elevate the access rights of the users to Windows Administrator. For more information, see Changing Access Rights of Users.
  2. Restart OpenText Process Suite Platform (<Instance Name>), so that it runs in the context of the user's new role as windows administrator. For more information, see Restarting OpenText Process Suite Platform.
  3. Load the application. For more information, see Installing an Application.
  4. Revoke the windows administrator privileges from the user.
  5. Restart the monitor, so that it now runs in the context of the previous role as a user.
    An application with System Environment Variables is loaded.